Bird Montage
SKU: 44-01-2994
Categories: 3D Postcard, 3D Postcard, New Zealand 3D
Tags Fantail, plumage, Karearea, bird wings, Kereru, native new zealand birds, 3d, Kiwi, 3D Souvenir, Pukeko, Lenticular, Tui, Birds, Montage, 3D Postcard, 3D Product, feathers, New Zealand, beaks
The 3D Factory’s Unique 3D Postcard
New Zealand 3D Postcard with a photographic montage of many New Zealand Birds.
Fantail, Kea, Tui, Kererū (Wood Pigeon), Pukeko, Karearea (New Zealand Falcon), and Kiwi.
160 mm X 110 mm
Kererū image derived from original photograph by the NZ DEPARTMENT OF CONSERVATION licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.0
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