Sealife Bangkok Clownfish
SKU: THS51-44-3127
Categories: Custom Designs, 3D Bookmark, 3D Bookmark, Thailand 3D, Custom Designs
Tags 3D Product, Thailand, Sealife Bangkok, 3d, 3D Bookmark, 3D Souvenir, bookmark, Lenticular, nemo, Clownfish, Anemone, Blue Tang
The 3D Factory’s Unique 3D Bookmark
Clownfish are found in tropical waters of the Indian and Pacific Oceans including the Red Sea and the Great Barrier Reef. Clownfish have a symbiotic relationship with sea anemone which is a fish-eating plant-like animal that has poisonous tentacles. There are 28 species of clownfish throughout the world. Clown fish can be found in shades of red, pink, yellow and green. For the most part, the stripes remain white. Their size and shape can also differ from species to species.
153mm X 56mm
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