Sealife Bangkok Gentoo Penguins
SKU: THS10-44-3124
Categories: Custom Designs, 3D Ruler, 3D Ruler, Thailand 3D, Custom Designs
Tags 3D Souvenir, Lenticular, Sealife, antartica, Penguins, 3D Ruler, 3D Product, Thailand, Sealife Bangkok, Gentoo Penguins, 3d
The 3D Factories Unique 3DÂ Ruler
The Gentoo Penguin populates the Antarctic Peninsula and numerous islands around the frozen continent. The Gentoo Penguin is characterized by a band of white feathers extending across the top of the head from just above each eye. Other features include a brush tail that is large in comparison with other penguin species, and a bill that is mostly deep orange or red.
306mm X 55mm
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