Honey Bees
SKU: 59-44-2605
Categories: 5D Playing Cards, 5D Playing Cards
Tags Kangaroo Island, Queensland, pollen, South Australia, Honeycomb, 3d, 5D, Australian Capital Territory, Lenticular, Tasmania, stingers, Bees, Western Australia, 5D playing card, Hive, 3D Product, 5d product, Honey, Northern Territory, ligurian bees, Honey Bees, 5D Souvenir, bees nest, Australia, New South Wales, queen bee, Victoria, beehive, bee nest
The 3D Factory’s Unique 5D Playing Card
Australia has over 1,700 native species of Bees with only around 11 species that are sting-less.
63mm X 90mm
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