Cunnamulla Fella

The 3D Factory’s Unique 3D Magnet

Stan Coster wrote the words for the song ‘Cunnamulla Fella’ when he was ‘ringing’ in the Cunnamulla district around the 1950’s. The Cunnamulla Fella is the larrikin in all Australians. In the 1950 and 60’s, Cunnamulla was enjoying prosperity and growth due to a strong wool industry. Friday and Saturday nights saw the young ringers and shearers race to town for dancin’, lovin’ and fightin’. Artist Mike Nicholas worked in Cunnamulla as a policeman in the 1960’s and these young men inspired his pen and ink drawing of the Cunnamulla Fella.
The statue of the Cunnamulla Fella is the work of sculptor Archie St. Claire

80 mm X 55 mm

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