Pelican in Flight
SKU: 44-01-2380
Categories: 3D Postcard, 3D Postcard
Tags Northern Territory, souvenir, New South Wales, Bird, Queensland, Victoria, South Australia, Pelican, Australian Capital Territory, 3D Postcard, water bird, 3D Postcards, australian pelican, Postcard, bird species, Tasmania, bills, 3d, Western Australia, black and white bird, 3D Souvenir
The 3D Factory’s Unique 3D Postcard
The Australian pelican is a large waterbird of the family Pelecanidae, widespread on the inland and coastal waters of Australia and New Guinea, and as a vagrant in New Zealand. It is a predominantly white bird with black wings and a pink bill. It has been recorded as having the longest bill of any living bird.
160 mm X 110 mm
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